Good Friday Closings, Trash Schedule and More

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
While Good Friday is not a federal holiday in the United States, nor an official state holiday in Mississippi, State Legislators have allowed local government offices to trade out taking off on Good Friday and working on Confederate Memorial Day, which is a state holiday that falls this year on April 24.
Here in the LOU community, Oxford city and Lafayette County officials took that offer and all city and county offices will be closed Friday; however federal offices will be open.
Garbage collection will continue as scheduled on Friday in both the city and the county; however, Friday’s rubbish collection in Oxford will be on Thursday.
U.S. Post Offices will be open. Check with local bank branches for their schedule.
The Oxford-Lafayette County Public Library will be open Friday and closed on Sunday.
Parking around the Square will be free on Friday.
Oxford-University Transit will only be running buses on the Red North and South, Blue West and Blue/Grey routes on Friday.