University of Mississippi’s National Pan-hellenic sorority Delta Sigma Theta-Lambda Sigma chapter hosted a walk in memory of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was fatally...
Flowood is located in Rankin County, east of Jackson, the Capitol City of Mississippi. Because of its strategic location, Flowood is easily accessible by Interstates 55...
A problem with public outrage when citizens — especially young citizens — are shot and killed by police is that no two situations are alike. Or...
As daylight reverted to diagonal stripes across buildings two people sat on the Courthouse steps. It was August 14th, the day after the conflict in Ferguson,...
One of the best things about living on the Ole Miss campus is that you can walk just about anywhere. And if you can’t walk, the...
A man was killed at popular tourist attraction Graceland Too in Holly Springs last night, at 200 East Gholson Avenue. The Holly Springs Police Department confirmed earlier today...
I saw where recently they named the grand marshal for the 126 Rose Parade in Pasadena and, oh, what a life story this man has….. It...
A 15-minute drive from the Square reveals one of Oxford’s most actively involved local nonprofit: Exchange Club Family Center. A sign in the front lobby reads:...
The Lafayette County Police Officers 5K Memorial run this weekend in Oxford generated smiles and tears. It also helped raise money for funds supporting the families...
A tale of two hats. It’s been a while since Attention Deficit Delight, Vol. 10: Memphis Wrestling Music Videos. Today’s installment stays within the realm of...