Poll: Vote for Best Ole Miss Frat House Christmas Decor
What are the holidays without Christmas cookies, ice-skating, hot chocolate, and of course Christmas lights? Extravagant light displays have been celebrated around the country as a part of the American holiday culture for a long time, and the Ole Miss Greek community has decorated their houses to share the Christmas spirit.
“My favorite part of the holiday season is when my dad puts our light up reindeers in the front yard,” sophomore Kasey Rohrer said. “We’ve had those reindeers since I was in elementary school!”
Americans have an appetite for excessive holiday celebrations, and even the University of Mississippi’s fraternities have taken part in holiday decorations.
It started out as a few houses putting up wreaths, but in the past few years, it has become a friendly competition between fraternity houses on who can have the best decorations at the end of fall semester. The competition has turned Fraternity Row into quite a bright display.
Whether it is a blow up Santa waving at passing commuters or a traditional white light display, the university’s fraternity boys take pride in their houses decorations.
“I think simplistic decorations are the best,” junior Richard Kumph said. “Nothing overdone, just some wreaths and the view of a lit up Christmas tree through a window.”
Now it’s your turn to decide which fraternity’s decorations are your favorite. Vote below the photos and we’ll reveal a winner Dec. 23! Wondering what the sorority houses look like? We’ve got that poll, too!
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Delta Psi
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Kappa Psi
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Pi
Emily Jameson is a HottyToddy.com staff reporter and can be reached at eajameso@go.olemiss.edu.

December 14, 2014 at 6:07 pm
Whoever made this is obviously a pike because there were a couple houses you didn’t even show with their lights on at night and took the best pic of Pike possible…
Amelia Camurati
December 15, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Our reporter Emily Jameson is not in any fraternity.
December 18, 2014 at 8:24 am
you should have posted images of all the houses at night with the lights on.
It’s not fair for those houses that have day pictures you can’t judge the houses decor fully. I know this is just a popularity contest, but you could at least make it fair.
My opinion goes for the sorority house pictures also.
Amelia Camurati
December 18, 2014 at 10:36 am
Some houses only had decorations that didn’t use lights, which is why we took photos during the day. Also, many fraternities didn’t turn the lights on during the week we went to take photos. If anyone would like to send us better photos of the houses, we will gladly swap them out as we have with Sigma Chi since they were having lighting problems.