Ready to Serve: Oxford Tennis Pro Shop open at FNC

William Foreman operates the Oxford Tennis Pro Shop at FNC Tennis Center. It features a number of items including rackets and the ability for rackets to be gripped and re-strung. Photo by John Davis
William Foreman stood behind the counter at the Oxford Tennis Shop Tuesday with a smile on his face. Even though Foreman had some things to work on with his new business, he was happy to be open and serving the public.
The new shop moved from a dream and into a reality at FNC Tennis Center. The shop held a soft opening this past weekend, just before one of the many youth tournaments Foreman helps organize. It’s been a long time coming for the center to offer a pro shop for the general public, and Foreman is happy to be the person to take care of that need.
“I’ve been waiting since 2014 for this. It’s been such a need here in the city. We have one of the largest programs in the state as well as one of the largest public facilities in the state and we don’t have a proper pro shop in town,” Foreman said. “The country club and Goose Creek both have shops for their members, but there is no place that people can go, in town, that offers a full-service tennis pro shop. And now we do.”
Foreman has been trained to string rackets, and he offers that service, as well as a number of different type strings for customers. There are several different rackets that can be purchased in the shop, made by companies such as Head and Wilson. The goal of Foreman is to use his knowledge to help whoever comes in to the shop to improve their game.
“You can come here, not knowing what you want or what you need, and walk out feeling comfortable that you got your needs taken care of,” Foreman said. “Whether that’s string that is spin friendly or powerful or arm friendly, low cost or cost is no object. I have something for everyone. That goes not only for strings but grips, shock absorbers and rackets. They can go hit with the rackets. They need to try things before they go buy.”
In the past, if a player forgot to pack items such as a can of tennis balls, they would either have to go home or to a sporting goods store to purchase them. With the pro shop open, Foreman said everyone can stay here, on the courts, and find anything they would need if they did happen to leave something behind.
“It used to be where you would have to leave the facility if you ever needed anything and that’s tough if you’ve traveled hundreds of miles for a tournament,” Foreman said. “We were the only tennis facility in the South, this size, that didn’t have anything on site, and now we do. The added benefit of this is now we’re eligible for even more tournaments. We’re eligible for higher end events because they know we can accommodate it better now. The tournaments are no longer losing amenities.”
There are drinks available for purchase in the new shop, as well as pre-packaged snacks.
“I’m pretty open to whatever anybody wants. If I can get it, I’m going to get it,” Foreman said adding that long term, he would like to get into logo apparel that feature both of the local high schools who use FNC as their home courts. “The thought there is that a portion of the proceeds go to support their booster clubs or tennis programs to help them out. I would also like to get into shoes. There really isn’t a great place to buy court shoes. Even Dick’s Sporting Goods has four shoes and only in some sizes. I would love to provide that at some point.”
Any time tennis is being played at the center, the shop is open, Foreman said. He strings rackets in the mornings and early afternoons. The shop was open through the last league match Monday night, which ended at 9:45.
“As long as there is something going on, we’re open and ready to help,” said Foreman, who added the feedback from the public so far has been very positive. “It’s nice to not have to drive five minutes away to get a Powerade before your next match. Whether you’re a player or a fan, you can come in here and grab a drink or a snack. You don’t have to worry about your kids needing something. You can stay on site and not rush here or there between matches. You walk 20 feet and you’re good. Players needing grips during the tournament, we got you. We strung six rackets during the weekend in between matches, stuff we never had the ability to do before.”
By John Davis of the Oxford Park Commission
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