The Oxford Park Commission is Bringing Back Spring Soccer

By Adam Brown
Sports Editor
Young athletes in Oxford may not have to miss out on their favorite sports for much longer. After returning from a three-month-long furlough, the Oxford Park Commission has begun planning and re-organizing its spring soccer season along with a variety of other classes and youth sports.
Dates of practices and matches for the new spring soccer season have not yet been finalized.
The OPC stated in a release that Alx Little who is the OPC soccer athletics manager is in the process of contacting head coaches from its previous spring soccer season and asked that parents of players be on the lookout for contact from their coaches or the park commission office.
Little told that they are happy to be providing this opportunity for the youth in the community to have sports.
“We are glad to be back and we are looking forward to providing an opportunity for the youth in our community to remain active by resuming the spring soccer season,” Little said. “It was unfortunate that COVID-19 postponed our season back in March, but our goal and hope all along was to finish what we started when the OPC staff got back to work. We have contacted all coaches, and we would love for parents to respond back to those coaches on their intentions to play or not to play. That will be a huge help to us as we look to get practices and a schedule ready in the near future.”
When the season gets back underway the staff at the park commission want to provide a fun activity.
“We don’t want anyone to feel like they are being forced to play either,” Little said. “We understand completely that some players and families will not be returning to their teams.”
After spring soccer comes to an end, the park commission plans to transition into playing the youth spring baseball and softball seasons.
“We don’t anticipate having a fall soccer season, but we hope to still offer a flag football season,” the release said. The OPC plans to announce registration for flag football at a later date.
For outdoor spring classes, the information will be made available in the future as the OPC staff works with the instructors on starting back up.