Ole Miss Baptist Student Union Hosts Yard Sale To Help Fund Mission Trips
Feeding the hungry, protecting and helping orphans and saving those caught in sex trafficking are just a few of the ways Ole Miss students’ are lending a hand through the Baptist Student Union’s summer missions.
Because students who choose to work internationally are responsible for funding their own trips, the BSU held a yard sale this past Saturday to support the students.
“There are so many people in Oxford and the Ole Miss community that need to get rid of their stuff,” said Lanie Anderson, associate director of the BSU. “I take boxes of things all the time to Goodwill and the Salvation Army. So, I thought this would be a great way to fund-raise for summer missions.”
The BSU accepted donations from the Oxford and Ole Miss communities for the yard-sale with items ranging from clothes to decorations, as long as it was still working and in good condition. Every unsold item was donated to the Salvation Army, unless the BSU was told otherwise by the seller.
“So many people brought so many different things,” Anderson said.
With a good mix of items at the yard-sale for many different types of style, Oxonians and Ole Miss students found plenty to adorn their homes, all while helping students better help those in need both nationally and globally.
By Nick Bushart, an intern for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at .
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