UM Muslim Student Association Releases Statement on New Zealand Massacre
The University of Mississippi Muslim Student Association issued a statement Sunday night offering condolences to the victims of the New Zealand terror attacks at two mosques in Christchurch.
At least 50 died after a gunman opened fire during Friday prayers at two mosques in Christchurch.
Thirty-one injured victims remained at Christchurch Hospital on Monday, where officials said nine were in critical condition. A four-year-old girl at a children’s hospital in Auckland also remains critical.
“We are deeply saddened by the attack on the worshipers in New Zealand mosques,” the statement from the UM Muslim Student Association reads. “A horrifying massacre of this kind imprints an un-erasable mark on the heart of religious people. We also remind ourselves that terrorism doesn’t belong to any religion. We lament for the departed souls and our condolences to all afflicted families and friends. May Allah comfort every troubled soul.”
Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, a suspected white supremacist, was charged with murder on Saturday for the massacre. Tarrant was remanded without a plea and is due back in court on April 5 where police said he was likely to face further charges.
Hottytoddy.com staff report

Eye Nose What Eye Nose
March 18, 2019 at 8:00 am
Along about this time period at least 70 or more Christians were slaughtered by MUSLIMS in Nigeria, Egypt and the Philippines. Simply because they were Christians. Seems most have forgotten (or DON’T CARE) what happens to Christians.