Oxford’s Curbside Recycling Program Starting Back in October
The city of Oxford will be offering curbside recycling once again starting the first week of October, announced Mayor Robyn Tannehill recently.

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
The city of Oxford will be offering curbside recycling once again starting the first week of October, announced Mayor Robyn Tannehill recently.
Oxford began a curbside recycling program in 2008; however, it was stopped in April 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic caused the city to furlough more than 100 people due to a decrease in revenue coming into the city.
While the curbside service was halted, the Oxford Recycling Center remained open for people to drop off their recyclables.
In a statement recently, Tannehill said she and the Board of Aldermen were concerned that when they suspended the curbside recycling pick-up, people would be less likely to recycle.
“We were wrong,” she said. “This community is committed to recycling and we are so proud.”
In 2019, the city picked up 665.07 tons or 1,330,140 pounds of recyclables. After the service was suspended, 411.6 tons or 822,920 pounds of recyclables were dropped off by residents.
Since the program’s inception, the city has had a partnership with North Mississippi Regional Center and now Communicare to assist in sorting, allowing the city to help employ adults with developmental disabilities.
Michelle Robinson, the recycling coordinator, said the employees from Communicare have continued to help sort the recyclables when the curbside service was suspended and will continue to do so once the program starts back up in a few weeks.
“I could not do it without them,” she said.
Recyclables will be picked up once a week starting Oct. 4.
The routes and pickup days that recyclables were picked up pre-COVID-19 will remain the same and anyone needing new bins is welcome to them.
“I am so happy that curbside is coming back and I know our residents are too,” Robinson said.