Site Plan for Condo Development Approved in Grand Oaks
Despite concerns expressed by several Grand Oaks residents, the Oxford Planning Commission approved the site plan for the new Grand Oaks Village on Augusta Drive on Monday.

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Despite concerns expressed by several Grand Oaks residents, the Oxford Planning Commission approved the site plan for the new Grand Oaks Village on Augusta Drive on Monday.
The new phase of the planned unit development, Grand Oaks, will be a 21-unit common interest development, or condominiums. Each unit will be a three-bedroom single-family home with a two-car garage.
The property is located on 6 acres in the Grand Oaks development between the Rosemont and Grand Ridge subdivisions, west of Augusta Drive.
Condominiums are listed as a “special use” for the Neighbor Residential district in Land Development Code, which means additional standards are attached to the use but no approval is required from the Planning Commission to allow the use.
Grand Oaks residents who spoke at the meeting Monday were mostly concerned with the traffic and on-street parking that the addition of 21 new homes could bring to Augusta Drive and Rosemont Loop.
Augusta Drive will be the only road going in and out of the subdivision.
Kimberly Stewart, who lives on Augusta Drive, said the traffic issues won’t be an easy fix.
“If it was a simple solution – let’s paint yellow stripes, let’s put in speed bumps – it would have already been resolved,” she told the Planning Commission. “I am pro-Oxford development. But I’m also for protecting what we have. If you have infrastructure struggling to support the existing development, why would add more cars to a road that endangers the safety of residents, workers and the children?”
The planning commission reminded those attending the meeting that its job was to only review the site plan for the development and make sure it meets city ordinances.
It was suggested that neighbors take traffic and parking concerns to the Board of Aldermen.
The site plan was approved in a 6 to 1 vote.