OSD Board Still Reviewing 2022-23 School Calendar Options
There was little discussion in regard to the proposed flexible school calendar by the Oxford School District Board of Trustees Monday during the board’s regular meeting.

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
There was little discussion in regard to the proposed flexible school calendar by the Oxford School District Board of Trustees Monday during the board’s regular meeting.
Superintendent Bradley Roberson said the vote on the 2022-2023 school calendar will come before the Board in December.
“I just want you to know that every comment that was submitted was read over by me personally over Thanksgiving break,” he said during the meetings. “All of the information is being compiled and will be given to the Board, who will continue to work on an academic calendar that meets the needs of our kids but also meets the needs of our community.”
Roberson said the trustees will be meeting in the near future for a work session to continue reviewing the upcoming calendar.
The “traditional” calendar has the 2023 school year starting on Aug. 5 and ending May 19. Holidays and breaks would have a similar schedule as this year, and previous years.
The other option, a “flexible” calendar, has the school year starting on July 22 and ending on May 31, with two weeks off in the fall, winter and spring.
The extra weeks off in the fall and the spring would be called “intersession” weeks and parents can elect to send their child to school that week. The days will be half days and there will be teachers providing remediation and enrichment sessions during those days.
The new, flexible calendar is one of several new steps the district is looking at to help improve academic performance and proficiency. Earlier on Monday during a work session, the Board discussed other possible changes and programs, including changing which grade attends what school; doing a time audit to make sure “not a second” is wasted during the school day; and planning for the possible passing of Pres. Joe Biden’s All-in Pre-K bill.