Carleigh’s Corner: Option to Choose at Campus

By Carleigh Holt
HottyToddy Intern
After spring break of 2020, many things changed across the nation and the Ole Miss campus. New changes from the Chancellor bring a feel of “normal” back on campus. I feel like there will be new normals that have affected each person individually. Personally, I have a different outlook on life and how I can take it for granted after these past two years.
On Tuesday morning I woke up to several emails, but one in particular I have been waiting for for quite some time. The subject line of the email was “COVID-19 Campus Protocol Shifting to Mask Optional.” The last time it was “normal” on campus for me was transferring from Northeast Mississippi Community College in the spring of 2020. Little did I know that my world would change not only being on a new college campus, but also having many other unexpected changes.
I did not expect my next two years at Ole Miss to be mostly online and to have to build relationships over Zoom. Before I came to Ole Miss, I wanted to attend the egg bowl as a student. I did not get to experience a full stadium in Oxford for the egg bowl as a student, and I did not get to experience the Grove at all in my first year. This year has opened my eyes and I saw what Oxford and Ole Miss have to offer.
I am excited to graduate in the Pavilion without a face covering so my makeup does not transfer onto the mask. I am excited to be in class and see my peers’ facial reactions. Although, I may still wear a mask to cover a blemish on my face occasionally. Ole Miss is returning to “normal,” but as I was reminded this weekend at a hospital, COVID-19 will still affect us.