Ole Miss Professor Seeks Support for Library in Water Valley Laundromat

By Chloe Walker
IMC Student
When Ole Miss Professor Abigail Meisel saw children running amok in her town’s Wash & Go laundromat, she wondered what she could do to make the situation easier for them and their parents.
Meisel’s answer was to start a library in the laundromat, so she put up an ABC poster and got some plastic bins to hold new and gently used children’s books. Today, the library is available to the children seven days a week during the laundromat’s operating hours, and the children are allowed to take their books home.
Meisel, who is asking for additional community support, estimates that more than 500 books have been released into the community from her library.
As a parent herself, Meisel said, “I knew it would be easier to have the books where the kids are than having to take your kid to where the books are.”
Water Valley’s library does not have an extensive children’s section, and Meisel’s goal in starting the library three years ago was to get books into homes where parents might not be able to afford books due to other responsibilities.
Meisel, who teaches in the Writing & Rhetoric Department, hopes the public will support the library through monetary gifts and donations of new and gently used books. She wants to make sure that all books in the library are of good quality and represent all populations.
Those who want donate should contact Meisel by email to arrange for her to pick up the books. For more information, email Meisel at aameisel@gmail.com.