Arts & Entertainment
‘Charlie Brown’ Kicks Off First of Five of OHS Theatre’s Five-Show Year Thursday

By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Oxford High School Theatre is returning this school year with a five-shot lineup for the first time since the pandemic.
It’s the perfect “gift” for the OHS Theatre Arts Guild which has been supporting the theater program for 20 years.
The Theater Arts Guild, or TAG, is an association of parents, community members and local businesses that are interested in the encouragement and support of theater arts in local schools.
TAG helps financially reinforce each theater season and provides support for the program’s travels overseas as well as ticket sellers, prop finders/makers and more.
“Moving into our new facility, as well repercussions from the pandemic, required us to pull back on the number of shows and student opportunities,” said UHS theater teacher John Davenport. “Since this season will be the 20-year mark since TAG was created, we wanted to return to our pre-Covid, five-show lineup to offer as many opportunities for students as possible.”
This year’s line-up begins this week with “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” with performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Charlie Brown will be played by Samuel Lewis; Lucy by Alice Dabbs; Linus by Jacob Latil; Snoopy by Anna Benedict; Schroeder by Evelyne Denham and Sally by Taylor Bradley.
Origin Bank is presenting sponsor.
The other shows this year will be:
- “Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde,” Nov. 3-5
- “’This Another Season,” Dec. 8-10
- “War Paint,” Feb. 23-25
- “Clue,” April 20-22
All show times are at 7:30 p.m. in the OHS Fine Arts Building.
OHS Theatre is hoping to reach an all-time high in season subscribers. The season subscription is $105 per ticket and gives unlimited viewing access to each of the five productions.
“Each year we solicit for season subscribers and we are always thrilled with the outcome as we have a lot of supporters who have been subscribing for many, many years,” Davenport said.
Individual tickets for “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” can be purchased here.
Season tickets can be purchased here.
For more information on the OHS Theatre program, TAG or how to become a presenting sponsor, call (662) 234-1562 or send an email to: