Board of Alderman to Discuss Engine Brakes, Traffic at Dec. 15 Meeting
The Oxford Board of Alderman will meet Dec. 15, at 5 p.m. Top items on the agenda include discussion of traffic on Belk Boulevard, rezoning and engine breaks in city limits.
Alderman Jay Hughes highlighted some of the top items on the agenda for tomorrow night.
Top Items on Agenda
1) Item 6 / Consent Agenda & accept resignation of City Planner, effective March 2, 2016.
2) Item 8 / Discuss traffic congestion on South Lamar at Belk Drive and dream up some possible solutions.
3) Item 11 / Public hearing on ordinance to implement ban on Jake Brakes/Engine Brakes on trucks inside city limits. This will be the second reading on the Engine Brakes.
4) Item 13 / Public hearing on ordinance amendment to include commercial recycling services.
A complete list of the agenda can be found here.