Monday’s Top 7 Instagram Photos by HottyToddy.com
Let the Hotty Toddy festivities begin! Ole Miss kicked off it’s first day of classes for the fall 2016 semester today, and kick off to the Ole Miss Football is only two weeks away. TWO! Some Rebels are experiencing the Walk of Champions for the first time and others for the last (as a student, of course). Others are more concerned about how much better their food looks than the people of Ole Miss, which is quite difficult.
A photo posted by Lynn Blythe (@lynn_blythe) on
Running away from the fact that tomorrow is Monday #hottytoddy #olemiss #dmphotography
A photo posted by Taylor Cook (@taylorcook17) on
#waom #dixieforever #sops #rebelstrong #hottytoddy I can’t wait for football season! #halftimeparty
A photo posted by Jessica Hinckley (@rebeljess) on
Randall Haley is the managing editor of HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at randall.haley@hottytoddy.com.
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