News Briefs
Oxford Crime & Emergency Reports from Oct. 17, 2019
The following reports were made Oct. 17, 2019, by city and county law enforcement agencies, unless otherwise indicated.
Oxford Police Department issued 40 tickets, investigated 21 wrecks and the following reports:
6 alarms
1 ambulance assist
1 animal complaint
2 careless drivers
2 civil matters
6 disturbing the peace complaints
2 domestic disturbances
1 elder assist
1 harassment
1 improper parking
1 larceny
2 lost property reports
3 malicious mischief complaints
3 motorist assists
7 suspicious activities
4 suspicious people
2 suspicious vehicles
2 trespass complaints
4 vehicle searches
5 welfare checks
Officers made the following arrests:
2 for DUI and careless driving
1 DUI and one headlight
1 DUI and no tail lights
1 DUI, possession of a schedule 5 drug, seat belt violation and harassment
1 domestic violence with simple assault
1 possession of drug paraphernalia, open container, no insurance and speeding
1 public drunk
2 for shoplifting
1 suspended driver’s license, switched tag and one headlight
Lafayette Sheriff’s Department made no arrests and investigated the following reports:
1 agency assist
3 alarms
2 animal complaints
3 civil matters
1 domestic violence
1 harassment
1 information
1 reckless driving
3 service calls
1 suspicious activity
2 suspicious person
3 transports
2 welfare concerns
University Police Department investigated three wrecks, a report of vandalism and responded to one service call.
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
7:37 a.m. – Hwy. 7 south – wreck with minor injuries
9:21 a.m. – Oxford Middle School – band practicing in band hall and accidentally hit a sprinkler head activating the sprinkler system
10:22 a.m. – BMH – call canceled
11:51 a.m. – The Flatts area – power pole sparking set small amount of grass on fire – it was out when FD arrived
1:44 p.m. – Hwy 6 west around Steeplechase – wreck with rollover – everyone out upon arrival – minor injuries
6:30 p.m. – Guyton Hall – smoke detector malfunction
6:50 p.m. – BMH – smoke detector activation due to cooking